After a cancelled lesson yesterday due to some engine testing that was being carried out at Cambridge making circuits impractical, and the destination the instructor had planned to go (Duxford) to do them suddenly getting too busy, I was looking forward to today’s lesson. I did start to wonder if somebody had it in for …
June 2012 archive
Jun 20
More circuits
I think I’m going to have to think up more imaginative titles for future blog posts, given the number of circuits lessons I’m likely to have! Unlike last week, today the surface wind was reported as around 4 knots from variable directions, and a nice high cloud base – by the time it actually came …
Jun 15
Today’s lesson was the first (of what will be many!) doing circuits – the circuit is a rectangular pattern flown to co-ordinate activities around a runway for landing, where each ‘leg’ (i.e. side of the rectangle) has a name, and specific activities that are carried out on it. I woke up to find the wind …
Jun 13
I was worried at the beginning of the week if I was going to be able to get either of my lessons this week, as it didn’t look promising – however, this morning the cloud base was reported at 4500 feet with no significant wind, so things were looking good. I had a slightly eventful …
Jun 06
Slow Flight
Today’s lesson was meant to be on slow flight and stalling – unfortunately the cloud base was such that we wouldn’t be able to get high enough to practice stalling safely, so we’d concentrate on the slow flight side of things. At first glance flying slowly doesn’t seem like it should be an issue, however …
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